Boost career opportunities
Stanley used to study cleaning and property services in Turun AKK in 2016. He was working for N-Clean as a supervisor and did his studies in an apprenticeship training. Due to education and with official degree Stanley got a better position and he is now working as a Service Manager in N-Clean’s customer department. He is responsible for cleaning in different locations such as ship department, hotel and terminal.
”I’m proud that I have been studying in Turun AKK”, says Stanley. He tells that the teachers were wonderful and he got really good knowledge in his work. Even though Stanley was already working in the field, with the education he became more professional in his work. Stanley points out that the education also trains you in customer service and leadership.
We met Stanley in a recruitment happening in Turku where N-Clean was looking for new staff members. Stanley tells that N-Clean is a growing company where everybody is welcome to work. ”You can come without any experience, we will teach you”, says Stanley. N-Clean also encourage their staff to study the official degree. That way you can increase your career opportunities and get better positions and even better salary! Cleaning services is a growing industry that is becoming more and more professional. ”You can always improve yourself and I believe there is no degree that goes for waste”, summarize Stanley.
Tapasimme puhtausalan rekrymessuilla Stanleyn, joka suoritti puhtaus- ja kiinteistöpalvelualan ammattitutkinnon Turun AKK:ssa vuonna 2016. Hän työskenteli N-Cleanillä siivoustehtävissä ja opiskeli oppisopimuksella työn ohessa. Koulutuksen ja tutkinnon myötä Stanley on edennyt urallaan ja työskentelee nyt palveluesimiehenä ja vastaa useamman kohteen siivouspalveluista.
”Olen ylpeä, että olen opiskellut Turun AKK:ssa”, sanoo Stanley. Hän kehuu opettajia ja sitä, kuinka hyvää uutta tietotaitoa hän sai työhönsä. Vaikka Stanley työskenteli jo alalla, hän kokee, että koulutus teki hänestä ammattilaisen.